In 2023, we premiered the world's first metaverse streaming offering with the release of Sensorium Galaxy Metaverse Streaming, i
10 Mar 2023, 09:01
🎬 In 2023, we premiered the world’s first metaverse streaming offering with the release of Sensorium Galaxy Metaverse Streaming, introducing viewers to our metaverse and our lineup of AI-driven music stars.
— Accessible from any web browser, the first Empyreal Parties will take you on a tour of Meteor Vortex, an otherworldly place where AI-driven DJs Natisa Sitar, Kà ra Mà r, and Ninalis host original performances.
— Each AI-driven artist has their own signature performance style and a unique personality. When offstage, Sensorium's performers will be permanently available to communicate with fans via text chats and video calls in the Sensorium Galaxy mobile app.
❕ In upcoming events, Sensorium users will also be able to embark on an exploration of the PRISM world and the Meteor Vortex in VR mode. For now, you’re able to have a preview of what the full-fledged version of the metaverse will look like with our hour-long metaverse streaming parties.